Editorial “Role of Iatrogenic Factors in Dentistry” “An Ounce of Prevention Worth a Pound of Care”
The special issue comprises of some key illustrations that arose from various search engines like text books and journals done by different authors. This special issue the “role of iatrogenic factors in dentistry” which represents amongst the most sought after theme for every dental prectitioner and academician.
The word “Iatrogenic” comes from the Greek language "iatros” which means doctor or healer and “Gennan” means as a result. “Iatrogenesis or iatrogenic effect” is preventable harm resulting from treatments or advice to patients. “Iatrogenesis” is a very common, often preventable, hazard of treatment and is associated significantly with patient mortality and cost. Since the time Napoleon “when advised” to consult his doctor allegedly disclaimed” I don't want two diseases - one nature made, one doctor made and marched off instead to Russia. Since then, the patient’s awareness is high and the benefits evolved immensely.
Therefore, a thorough understanding of the etiology and treatment planning will minimize the “iatrogenic factors”. Clinicians should bear in mind the consequences of reckless and unplanned treatment of eliminating one problem which may lead to occurrence of another problem with greater consequences. In all the reviewed and revised articles, efforts are made to highlight various iatrogenic factors affecting the periodontium, which in turn leads to tooth loss.